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The Connect Center

The Connect Center

Providing educational materials and solutions

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The comprehensive manual provides a detailed description of the development of the HOME Inventory. It also contains detailed information on how to administer and score all five age-based versions of the Inventory (Infant-Toddler HOME, Early Childhood HOME, Middle Childhood HOME, Early Adolescence HOME, and Late Adolescence HOME), all 12 age-based versions of HOME that have been adapted for use with families having children with disabilities. The latter versions include adaptations of the Infant-Toddler HOME, the Early Childhood HOME and the Middle Childhood HOME for developmental delay, auditory impairment, vision impairment, and orthopedic impairment. There is also a list of references pertaining to HOME in the comprehensive manual. The standard manual also includes ten tables: (a) one for each of the five basic versions of HOME giving descriptive statistics for each dimension and the total HOME (5 tables),(b) one for each of the two age-based Care versions of HOME (2 tables), and (c) a table depicting descriptive statistics each for all four types of adaptations made for children with disabilities related to the Infant-Toddler HOME, Early Childhood HOME, and Middle Childhood HOME (3 tables). Each table includes a list of references for the particular version of HOME depicted in the table. Finally, the manual includes score forms for all versions of HOME (19 score forms).

The standard manual provides a detailed description of the development of the HOME Inventory. It also contains detailed information on how to administer and score all five age-based versions of the Inventory (Infant-Toddler HOME, Early Childhood HOME, Middle Childhood HOME, Early Adolescence HOME, and Late Adolescence HOME) and a list of references pertaining to HOME. The standard manual also includes five tables, one for each of the five basic versions of HOME giving descriptive statistics for each dimension and the total HOME. Each table also includes a list of references for the particular version of HOME depicted in the table. Finally, the manual includes score forms for each of the five age-based versions of HOME.

The Infant/Toddler (IT) HOME Inventory is designed for use during infancy (birth to age three). It is composed of 45 items clustered into six domains: 1) Parental Responsivity, 2) Acceptance of Child, 3) Organization of the Environment, 4) Learning Materials, 5) Parental Involvement, and 6) Variety in Experience.

The Early Childhood (EC) HOME Inventory (formally the Preschool HOME) is designed for use between 3 and 6 years of age. It contains 55 items clustered into eight domains: 1) Learning Materials, 2) Language Stimulation, 3) Physical Environment, 4) Parental Responsivity, 5) Learning Stimulation, 6) Modeling of Social Maturity, 7) Variety in Experience, and 8) Acceptance of Child.

The Middle Childhood (MC) HOME Inventory (formally the Elementary HOME) is designed for use between 6 and 10 years. It contains 59 items clustered into eight subscales: 1) Parental Responsivity, 2) Physical Environment, 3) Learning Materials, 4) Active Stimulation, 5) Encouraging Maturity, 6) Emotional Climate, 7) Parental Involvement, and 8) Family Participation.

The Early Adolescence (EA) HOME Inventory is designed for use from 10 to 15 years old. It contains 60 items clustered into 7 domains: 1) Physical Environment, 2) Learning Materials, 3) Modeling, 4) Instructional Activities, 5) Regulatory Activities, 6) Variety of Experience, and 7) Acceptance & Responsivity.

The Late Adolescence (LA) HOME Inventory is designed for use from 16 to 21 years old. It contains 59 items clustered into 6 domains: 1) Physical Environment, 2) Learning Materials, 3) Modeling and Encouragement of Maturity, 4) Family Routines and Regulatory Activities, 5) Family Companionship and Investment, and 6) Warmth, Acceptance and Responsiveness.

The child care manual contains a brief description of the HOME Inventory. It also contains detailed information on how to administer the two age-based versions of the Child Care HOME. It includes two tables (one for the Infant-Toddler Child Care HOME, and one for the Early Childhood Child Care HOME). The tables include basic descriptive statistics for the version of CC-HOME depicted in the table as well as references pertaining to that version. The manual also includes score forms for the two age-based versions of CC-HOME.

The Disability-Adapted HOME Inventories are designed so that they are more suitable for use in homes where children with disabilities are present. Specifically, the IT-HOME, EC-HOME, and MC-HOME were adapted so they can be used with children with either a developmental delay (significant cognitive limitation), a hearing impairment, a vision impairment, or a psychomotor impairment. Separate adaptations were made for each type of disability. Thus, there are a total of 12 types of forms available: one for each of the four types of disabilities in each of the three age groups covered. The domains included for children with disabilities are the same as those covered for the respective age groups associated with IT-, EC- and MC- HOME Inventories. When ordering a version of the Disability-Adapted HOME, please make clear what disability is of interest and the age of the children being assessed. Each packet includes forms applicable only to a single type of disability at a single age group.

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